

The indigenous British population of Birmingham is doomed. Current government estimates put the ethnic minority population at thirty per cent and this is likely to be an underestimate. Demographers predict that the indigenous population will become a minority around 2015, in less than eight years from now. In twenty years time Birmingham will be a unrecognisable patchwork of conflicting ethnic groupings with the remaining British population packed into ever shrinking ghettos. Most of the white population who can afford to will have fled. Those that remain will be eventually assimilated into which ever dominant culture which surrounds them; Polish, Bengali, Pakistani, West Indian, Somalian or Indian.

However there exists a group of people determined that the destruction of the unique culture of Birmingham will not go unopposed. A small team comprised of truck drivers, carers, warehousemen, middle management, mothers, service sector workers and professional people committed to democratic non-violent resistance to the ethnic cleansing of the city. Birmingham's ruling elite has enormous resources of all kinds, an entrenched position and a vast pool of client voters. The Birmingham BNP has nothing but imagination and determination. Welcome to our blog.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007


The BNP’s nomination papers for the Brandwood by-election in south Birmingham were submitted to elections staff yesterday. We are pleased to announce that the papers were successfully processed and our candidate for the 20th September election has been accepted. Long standing party activist Rob Purcell is that candidate and he is one of our most seasoned campaigners here in Brum.

Rob joined the BNP in 1997 and was a founder member of East Birmingham BNP (2001). Less than a year later he was appointed Birmingham Branch organiser and to date he is the youngest organiser to have graced the West Midlands. Under his management the Birmingham party grew from contesting one council seat in 2001 to 24 just three years later and the branch received the national award for most new members recruited two years running (2004-05). Despite stepping down as organiser in 2005, he continues to take a leading role in our campaigns and is a regular speaker on the local circuit.

Outside the party Rob works for an independent British manufacturer based in Nechells. Having previously worked in the automotive industry Rob has witnessed first-hand the decline in British manufacturing and he actively campaigned against the threats to Longbridge in 2000 and 2005.

Click here for more about the nature of the threat facing Britain’s beleaguered motor industry.

In addition to campaigning on the many issues of concern to him, Rob is a published writer and poet. He has even managed to beat the unspoken (not to mention downright fascist) ban on BNP members writing in the Trinity Mirror press and has headed the letters pages of the Birmingham Mail on several occasions in the last eighteen months. One of the biggest current campaigns of interest to him is the defence of individual freedom and he is steadfastly opposed to ID cards, vehicle tracking and the database state.

Rob has been selected to represent to the party on several occasions, including the 2004 European elections and the 2005 General Election. In the latter he contested the Yardley seat and recorded the highest parliamentary vote for a Birmingham BNP candidate to date. All in all we are pleased with his candidature for Brandwood and hope to have him on board writing for us from the campaign front over the coming weeks.

Monday, 16 July 2007


Richard Lumby outside Kitts Green Probation Office

As Rob Purcell drove past the controversial probation office in Kitts Green on Thursday evening he noticed that the graffiti artist had returned to the site, complete with his or hers trademark command of the English language. This educationally challenged individual is not alone in wanting the ‘pedos’ (sic) off their doorstep, for thousands have signed the petition to have the probation office relocated away from the three primary schools in the vicinity.

This isn’t the first time the site has attracted the graffiti artist, a similarly incoherent message appeared in the same place some weeks ago and at least one local protest has turned ugly with missiles being thrown and one person arrested for assault. This is clearly not the way to behave if a legitimate campaign is to continue, after-all what is being protested about is the presence of criminals and to behave like criminals is therefore counter-productive to one’s own argument.

East Birmingham BNP have always supported the peaceful campaign orchestrated by local parents and we remain careful not to be seen to capitalise on or manipulate the ongoing protest. The same cannot be said for Labour who hijacked proceedings in their morally corrupt way (it was they who brought the probation office to Kitts Green in the first place!).

We have also been careful not to say ‘we told you so’ now that the probation office has opened for business. Although some Labour-influenced figures attempted to cover-up the full story, particularly as election time approached, we are happy to relate it here for a wider audience. This is a well documented story, that is why we never had a problem branding specific Labour people ‘liars’ in our campaign literature.

The intended use for the building has been known for almost a year and was brought up by concerned residents at an emergency meeting in Tile Cross back in October 2006. Cllr Ian Ward, deputy Labour leader on Birmingham City Council and senior party figure in Shard End ward, belittled their concerns and downplayed their fears. He would continue to do so for several months and residents questioned him again at the ward committee meeting held in Kitts Green in January. It was here that the Labour councillor denied that the office would have paedophiles or serious sex offenders referred to it. Within weeks he was proven to have lied by the probation service.

As the election approached and it appeared that the BNP might remove Cllr Ward and his fat salary, the Labour man changed tack completely and said he had been opposed to the probation office all along. He subsequently hijacked the residents’ campaign and saved his job, although needless to say little has been seen from him since then as his position is safe for another four years. Such is the contempt with which Labour hold the voters that they opened the probation office two weeks after the election, having mysteriously postponed its original opening from before the election.

This scandalous treatment is not the kind ever likely to befit a BNP councillor, our candidates are good honest folk and not in it for the money. This unique brand means that we have to put up with a lot of lies about us, so before we get accused of any wrongdoing down at the probation office we again re-iterate our support for the peaceful campaign by local residents and say ‘Get this place moved away from vulnerable children’!

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Birmingham tops League

Earlier this week we reported on Birmingham appearing near the bottom of a league of British cities for skills, education and employment. However news emerged over the weekend of another league and this time Birmingham is well clear at the top. The West Midlands has, according to MI 5, more terrorist cells than anywhere else in Britain including London.

In simple demographic terms this might come as something of a surprise, Greater London having a population between three and four time larger than the West Midlands. However to those who have been following the sorry story of radical Islam in the region it will only be a confirmation of what we already knew. We have had the plot to behead a British solider leading to arrests in the city. We have had reports that some of the suspects from the recent attempted car bombings in London were from Birmingham. We have had the Channel 4 “undercover Mosque” program revealing the widespread preaching of Jihadist doctrine in the city. We have had the “Tipton Taliban” banged up in camp X-Ray after being captured in Afghanistan (who claim they were attending a wedding, these guys must really, really like wedding cake). We have had wounded soldiers in Selley Oak harangued by Muslims. And on and on and on.

MI5 reckon there to be some EIGHTY terrorist cells of varying effectiveness and professionalism currently in the West Midlands. Fortunately for the people of this region it is likely that any attempted attack from these people will have London, rather than Birmingham, as its target. Islamic terrorism is all about publicity and London is a far more tempting target than Birmingham in these terms. Plus the Islamist terrorist is just bright enough to avoid calling the attention of the authorities to their stronghold here in the Midland’s. However if the terrorists did decide to strike Birmingham though the following is our best guess based on previous attacks as to the most likely targets.

1. Broad Street: Islamic puritan fascists don’t enjoy a drink and a laugh, and they don’t want you to either. Previous attempted attacks in London and Bali on nightclubs plus the lack of more symbolic targets in Birmingham put Broad Street right at the top of our list.

2. New Street Station: Islamic terrorists like attacking transport systems and New Street, at the centre of Britain’s rail network is a tempting target. Similar attacks have been carried out in Madrid and London.

3. The Bull Ring: Although shopping centres have not yet been successfully targeted in the West they are the favoured target in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Bluewater shopping centre in Kent was named as a potential target in one recent terrorist trial. As a symbol of Western infidel decadence Birmingham can offer no better.

4. Birmingham Airport: The attack on Glasgow airport was a failure. However it does represent a move towards attacking secondary provincial targets which are less well protected than those around the capital.

5. Steelhouse Lane Police Station: In Iraq and Afghanistan Police Stations are frequently attacked. As symbols of the State they are attractive targets to the terrorist. Plus there is the chance to settle old scores ….

A London bus after the seven seven sucide bombings

The Birmingham Mail is quick to assure the people of Birmingham that the threat has been over stated. In their judgement. They managed to find a Doctor Steve Hewitt of Birmingham University (what his doctorate was in was unspecified) to offer the opinion that MI5 had mistaken blood thirsty ambitions for a real threat. Personally we would rather trust the judgement of MI5. Perry Barr MP, Khalid Mahmood said he would “be quite surprised if the area was a hotspot”. Khalid’s contempt for the opinion of the security services is of more than academic interest, he is the Chair of All Party Inquiry into Tackling Terrorism. We wonder what could have possibly have been the reason for his appointment to this vital position, his degree in engineering? His stint working in Kuwait? His experience of Kashmir where he was born? If your not convinced that being an Indian engineer who ditched his job as a councillor to work in Kuwait qualifies Khalid to hold such an important position then maybe you might conclude he got the gig simply because he is a Muslim himself. Surely the government wouldn’t play politics with an issue of life and death, would they?

Read the Mail story

Read the News of the World story

Monday, 9 July 2007

Brum bottom of the table

A report released today places Brum in the bottom five cities of the UK. Population decline, poor workforce education and skills, high unemployment and benefit claims placed Birmingham alongside the North East cities of Newcastle, Sunderland and Middlesbrough and the notoriously deprived city of Liverpool at the foot of its rankings.

What else could be expected as the most skilled and talented Brummies flee the city to be replaced by anyone who can get themselves to the immigration desk at Birmingham International?

Never fear though because Birmingham City Council have got the problem in hand. Their Spokesperson had this excuse, the figures collected between 1997 and 2004 are out of date and things are better now. Even if this were true, which it isn’t, how does she explain the abject performance of the city over those SEVEN YEARS? She went on to claim “Birmingham’s economy is forecast to grow by at least 21.4% in the period 2005-2015, but this could be as much as 25.3% according to the Birmingham Economic Information Centre” So that a whole 2.14% a year then? About half that of London. And that’s if this BEIC are right, and it sounds as if its their job to make optimistic predictions in the vain hope of attracting investment.

After making some wild claims of what Birmingham City Council is going to achieve over the period she went on to state proudly that Birmingham had the best GCSE result of any of the core cities. The core cities being the biggest of the rust belt provincial cities laid low by the lunatic policies of our elites. So there you have it, Birmingham’s regeneration is being bet on sixteen years old in Birmingham getting better results in Eng Lit than those in Leeds. What better example of the total cluelessness of our politicians can you find than the blithe assumption that frankly poor results in meaningless academic disciplines will lead to this city’s future prosperity. Strangely I don’t recall the CBI demanding more 16 year olds with citizenship GCSE’s to propel our local economy forward.

The responsibility for the sad state of this once great city lies exclusively with the failed politicians of this nation, in particular the jumped up, incompetent, self important, failed politicians in Birmingham Council House. They controlled the L.E.A. which failed generation after generation of Birmingham’s children. They presided over the replacement of Birmingham awesome industrial capability with corrugated iron sheds, like the Bull Ring, full of imported junk. It was these people who stood by and watched as cities like Manchester and Bristol reinvented themselves as cultural and regional capitals while they lavished Taxpayers money on block renovating the private homes of ethnic communities. They are responsible for the ruined state of the Council housing stock which condemns thousands to live in squalor. And what was their solution to that? To try and give it away so that they could get the responsibility for it off their hands, regardless of the cost to the council tenants.

Birmingham will never prosper whilst these second rate clowns are running the show.

Read the Evening Mail's take on the story at icBirmingham

Friday, 6 July 2007

New Labour says "Ve arsk ze questions!"

Peter Hitchens wrote in his Mail on Sunday column just a few weeks ago that passport interrogation centres were covertly being constructed by the government. For such an established mainstream columnist you would think he would be moderately up to speed. The centres to which he was referring are already in place and open for ‘business’, 69 of them across Britain in fact and one of them is right here in Brum.

East Birmingham organiser Denis Adams outside the Identity and Passport interrogation centre in Suffolk Street, Birmingham

Years ago intelligence dossiers were reserved for communists and likeminded dissidents, but the collapse of the left in recent years and the onset of Islamic aggression has given MI5 new groups of individuals on which to focus their attention. As we in the BNP are diametrically opposed to Islam it has undoubtedly led to our own members being catalogued, but all this will be academic soon as each and every citizen becomes part of the New Labour database state.

The 69 interrogation centres will be used to gather information on citizens applying for passports under the guise of ‘passport and identity security’. Initially the centres will target first time applicants, but will later be rolled out across the board to ensure that anyone who renews their existing passport cannot do so without undergoing interrogation at their nearest centre. This can be hugely inconvenient as the timing is dictated by the Identity and Passport Service (IPS) and the nearest centre can be anything up to 50 miles away! That doesn’t apply to us here in Birmingham, but it does mean that hard-working Brummies can lose up to half a day’s work having to undergo the intrusive grilling.

In addition to being questioned about personal details your photograph and fingerprints will also be taken and all the information gleaned will become part of New Labour’s national identity register.

This sinister plan is part of a bigger issue relating to state intrusion and loss of individual freedom. From ID cards and the NHS database to microchips in our bins and black box recorders in our cars (not to mention where we can smoke) – New Labour is in the throes of Orwellian extremism. They will use almost anything to excuse this sustained assault on our freedom, whether it be terrorism, illegal immigration (there’s a joke!) or protecting us from identity theft!

To read more about the growing intrusion of the state into our private lives please visit NO2ID

Meanwhile if anyone has had to visit an interrogation centre like this please contact us and let us know how you found the experience!

Birmingham BNP Blog goes global

This blog is far from the finished article. Nor has it yet been used for the purpose for which it was intended. However after a month or so on line we thought it time to reflect on the project so far.

As of today (5th of July) The Blog has received, according to our tracking software (which you can access in the orange box on the right towards the bottom of the column. Part of our commitment to transparent integrity and the simple unvarnished truth) 1,193 visits from 529 separate individuals who have accessed our articles 2,067 times between them. Thank you all very much.

According to our software we have had people from all five continents view our humble efforts. As well as several hundred of our fellow countrymen we have had the honour of entertaining people from as far afield as Santiago, Buenos Aires, Bombay (*1) Thailand, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Mexico City. We appreciate our foreign guests interest and wish them well in their efforts to resist globalisation and protect their own unique cultures, Best of British one and all. A very special hello must go out to our biggest international fan or group of fans in Islamabad, Pakistan, as salaamum alaikum, who have made Pakistan our second largest international audience.

A special greeting to our brothers and sisters in the former Dominions and the USA (with 130 odd visits our largest international audience) and our European cousins of course.

On the Sceptred Isle itself we had had visitors from across the country from fair Edinburgh in the North to our great Capital City. And finally a fair contingent from Brum itself to which we extend our traditional vernacular greeting “olright”.

*1 We don’t call Prague Praha, Belgrade Beograd, Dublin Baile Atha Cliath or Rome Roma and we’re damned if we’re making an exception for Bombay.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Michael Vaughan

It is with deep sadness that we report the sudden death of long-term supporter Michael Vaughan from south Birmingham. Mike was taken at the early age of 56 and will be buried today (Friday). He was a regular fixture at South Birmingham meetings and local organiser Mike Bell will represent the party at his funeral. Our thoughts are with his family at this time.

Wednesday, 4 July 2007


Last month we carried a story on the disgusting condition in five Stechford tower blocks which Birmingham City Council (BCC) had allowed to deteriorate through their appalling mismanagement and negligence. Several hundred residents in the Poolway flats have been faced with health and safety problems that could threaten life and limb as a result of this failure on the part of BCC. This has been especially worrying given the scores young families and elderly people who are forced to live there and who are particularly vulnerable to the risks generated by the conditions in the flats.

This situation did not arise overnight, it is the result of decades of incompetence and the Councils policy of prioritisation none indigenous communities for council allocated resources over indigenous Brits. However suddenly, after years of indifference, the City Council has sprung into ‘action’. They agreed to undertake what the residents had been demanding for years - the demolition of all five blocks and the re-housing of the council tenants in accommodation fit for human habitation. Although, obviously this being Birmingham City Council no firm commitments as to a time scale have been revealed as yet.

Local BNP activists were instrumental in the residents’ campaign, establishing a residents’ group, initially involving them in public ward meetings and later advising them on tactics, as well as designing and producing the leaflets to promote their cause. In addition we also produced a short film documenting the appalling situation in the flats to bring the issue to wider public attention. ‘Slum House’ can be viewed via this blog or at GoogleVideo (sidebar).

The advent of elections interfered to some extent with the BNP’s involvement in the Poolway campaign in May, but such community work is something that we endeavour to do more of in future. The BNP is more than just a political party, we aim is to be active within the community helping to improve the quality of life for our people who have been increasingly sidelined and discriminated against over the years. We are actively encouraging people to work with us to such an end and want YOU to get in touch if you know of any issues with which we might be of some assistance. (See "Contact Us" panel on the right)

Our greatest weapon, as in this case, is the electrifying effect the magic letters “B.N.P.” have on councillors and the council itself. No sooner are we on the scene than money suddenly becomes available. Following the election of a BNP councillor in the Chelmsley Wood ward in Solihull last year a multi-million pound redevelopment plan was unveiled for the town centre. In Barking and Dagenham the election of twelve BNP councillors produced a frenzy of government initiatives backed with untold amounts of cash. This is part of a tactic the “old gang” politicians have developed to try and halt the progress of the BNP. In the event of the BNP intervening in a local issue the establishment will stop at nothing to rectify the problem and thus deny the BNP any electoral advantage. This suits us fine as we are able to use this to improve the lot of the people we seek to represent and champion. Ironically the “old gangs” terror of the BNP gives us more power than we could hope to wield in the Council House with a handful of councillors and we have used, and will continue to use, this to get our people their fare share of the Councils’ resources. Which after all are derived from the taxes paid by those same indigenous British people Birmingham City Council have ignored and neglected for decades.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007


This week sees another famous British manufacturer disappear from the Birmingham skyline. HP Sauce has been produced in Aston since 1903, but in May 2006 its current owners Heinz – having only purchased the company less than a year earlier – decided it would be cheaper to produce the sauce abroad. A campaign to save the 125 jobs and preserve a great British breakfast favourite failed to persuade the global giant to reconsider and production at the factory ceased last March. On Monday 2nd July the bulldozers moved in on the Aston site and demolition commenced. The famous HP tower, a prominent fixture on the skyline north-east of the city centre, will not be exempt from the destruction and will be demolished in place of another lifeless business park.

HP Sauce was created by a Nottingham grocer called Frederick Gibson Garton and he gave it its name in 1896 after he had been told it was being served up in the Houses of Parliament. The Palace of Westminster subsequently appeared on every bottle, yet despite this intrinsically British design the famous brown sauce will continue to bear the image whilst it is produced in the Netherlands and then imported to Britain! Our message is simple – hit Heinz where it hurts and boycott their products!

Denis Adams (East Birmingham BNP organizer) gives a sombre message outside the HP factory

Sunday, 1 July 2007

One of the most pertinent cultural strands that combine us Britons is the communal surroundings of a public house. For centuries the pub has been a remedy to a hard day’s graft or a stressful day in the office.

As with so many other quintessentially British institutions the pub is being systematically dismantled in the same way as the post office, the armed forces and the Anglican church. The BNP’s Shard End candidate in last May’s elections, Richard Lumby, highlighted the issue at the June meeting of East Birmingham BNP. Ahead of the ban Richard described how it had affected other parts of the British Isles, in particular southern Ireland where he has relatives. Whilst many pubs had learnt to cope with the ban or work round it, many others had been forced to close. This effect has undoubtedly hit Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in a similar way, now New Labour is to strike menacingly across the largest constituent in these islands – as from Sunday 1st July 2007 there will be a carpet ban on smoking in enclosed public spaces and work places across England.

Where will this assault on individual freedoms end? Will drinking be next?

“24-hour drinking to keep us all off the streets”.

That was the angle that rock band the Kaiser Chiefs took on their latest album and perhaps they are right, except only a handful of drinking establishments applied for such a licence. Is this part of a sustained effort to drive us off the streets and dump us at home to live like hermits in front of that key propaganda tool of the state – the TV, aka the ‘idiot box’ – that is creating a generation of apathetic morons as we speak. The gradual dismantling of the post office fits in nicely with this idea. The post office has long been a source of social interaction, particularly for the older generation, likewise the public house.

In addition to Labour’s assault on our British pubs, the changing demographics of our towns and cities is seeing an escalation in the decline of the ‘boozer’. Where trade is already in freefall many pubs are being sold off and converted into Chinese restaurants – for example the Navigation in Erdington, the King George V in Northfield and the Stockland Green. The pub is also disappearing fast from the inner cities where an influx of new arrivals from a non-drinking culture has displaced the indigenous population and led to a fall in trade. Other pubs have been forced out by acts of aggression.

This all serves to assist the establishment plot and as Richard stated, the smoking ban is only an opening act for the oppressive state under which we will all increasingly be forced to live. ID cards, tracking devices, biometric databases, universal CCTV – welcome to New Britain.

The burnt out ruin of the Wagon and Horses pub, Coventry Road, Sheldon. A pub had stood on this site for a century before this one closed due to lack of custom. Typically it was then burnt down by arsonists. Just one of hundreds of Birmingham pubs closed, burnt down and demolished over the last few years. The survival of the few remaining traditional community pubs is seriously doubtful thanks to Labour's smoking ban.


Just a day after your coronation Mr Brown one of your own constituents was blown up in Basra. The loss of Private Jamie Kerr and his two colleagues has brought the British military death toll to 156 and this is not just three too many it is 156 too many. Surely you must realise that one simple shift in policy would dissociate you from your predecessor on a seismic scale – bring our boys home Mr Brown, bring them home now. Their presence isn’t achieving anything, they are merely patrolling the streets of Basra and providing targets for militants. One drop of their blood is worth more than all the oil in the world to their parents, some of whom are now very close to home for you. Bring our lads home – for whatever reason you deem fit to name – just bring them home.

Sergeant John Jones was the first Brummie to be killed in the Iraq war and lived in Castle Bromwich. He was killed by a roadside bomb in Basra in November 2005 and was inscribed in the Book of Remembrance at Birmingham’s Hall of Memory on Wednesday along with a comrade killed in Afghanistan last year.

Thursday, 28 June 2007

Birmingham Muslim has a message for you.......

A charming little video was recently posted on YouTube. It appears the creative little fellow responsible may live in Birmingham. This was the first place he mentions in his inspirational speech referring to it as “Brumistan”. No further comment from us is necessary on this one…..

Remember viewers that not all Muslims are extremists like our friend here. A 2006 Populus poll of British Muslims found only 7% of them were prepared to admit to supporting suicide attacks on the UK. So with two million Muslims in the UK that’s a mere 140,000 terrorist sympathisers. 16% thought that suicide bombings on British military targets are OK, that would be 320,000, a third of a million. So nothing to worry about then. Phew

See the full Populus poll results

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Racial Violence in Birmingham, The Media and The Law

Last August 47-year-old Brian May was sitting on a train at Snow Hill station minding his own business when he was viciously assaulted by two Asian men. As the two men kicked and punched their defenceless victim they screamed racist abuse at him. The prolonged assault was so violent that witnesses feared for Mr May’s life, but fortunately he escaped with extensive bruising and a substantial loss of blood.

The most significant aspect of this incident is the unprecedented news coverage it received. Local and national media routinely maintain a deafening silence on racist attacks against white people, whilst at the same time dedicating maximum exposure to anything where there is even a hint of racism towards ethnic minorities. This is despite the fact that attacks on white people by ethnic minorities are commonplace in the multicultural utopia of the West Midlands. They are ignored, swept under the carpet at all cost by an establishment hell-bent on maintaining the mythical notion that we all live in harmonious co-existence.

Surely, to adopt such an attitude towards certain victims and not others on account of their skin colour is, using their own term, ‘institutionally racist’.

A second significant factor about the train attack is the media reaction. The two thugs who assaulted Mr May were both Sikhs and although Sikh-on-white violence is not unheard of, it is rare. Perhaps the media picked up on this incident simply because the perpetrators were NOT Muslims.

Clearly the media has no option but to cover acts of terrorism/terrorist plots, but this must be immensely troubling for many newspaper editors who simply do not wish to undermine the official line that their multi-cultural society is an unalloyed good. Therefore, racial crimes committed by Muslims are deliberately concealed – there can be no other explanation. Everyone has heard the case of Zahid Mubarek, the Muslim criminal murdered for purely racial motives by his white cellmate in Feltham young offender’s institute. Yet can you name a single murder victim of an indigenous Briton by Muslim racists? Thought not, but it’s not for the lack of examples – Ross Parker, Lee Martin, Gavin Hopley, Ashley Hedger and Kriss Donald were all killed by Muslims in racist attacks. The reaction in the media in each case? Silence.

Furthermore, if a crime has been committed where the racial profile of the suspect suggests he may be a Muslim the description of the attacker is frequently omitted from the report altogether. In instances where the perpetrator is described, the victim is often not referred to as this would also identify a racial pattern. Of course we abhor and condemn all racial violence in the strongest possible terms, however we feel that such bias in the reporting of certain attacks is unacceptable.

The third and final injustice of the whole sorry episode is the most eye-opening and concerns the sentences handed down to Mr May’s attackers. The youngest, Balvinder Hunjan Singh, was sent to a young offenders institute for 18 months and his accomplice was sent to prison for the same period. They had been charged with racially aggravated assault, possession of a controlled substance and, in the case of Hunjan Singh, common assault as well. The assault on its own, and the violence with which it was carried out, make these punishments paltry to say the least. However, the victim wasn’t the only person who found the sentencing repugnant.

Those who have followed the case of West Midland BNP activist Kevin Hughes will find the parallels disturbing, although not surprising. Kevin was charged with the same crime (minus the possession/common assault) having allegedly been involved in an altercation with an Iraqi asylum seeker in Worcester (there were no witnesses). Kevin received a two and a half year sentence – that’s a whole year on top of what the two Sikhs received. This judicial imbalance is compounded by the fact that the Sikhs were convicted of two additional charges and as opposed to Kevin’s case where the Iraqi received no injuries, Mr May suffered substantial physical damage. This is to take no account of the mental distress caused both to Mr May and the witnesses forced to watch this sickening act of barbarity.

The racial aspect of Kevin’s conviction was later dropped on appeal and he was freed last month. Click Here for further examples of racial injustice.

Click Here for CCTV footage of the attack on Mr May.

Thursday, 14 June 2007


25 years ago today a tired, filthy, soaked group of British soldiers arrived at Port Stanley and relieved the town of its Argentine occupiers. They had hiked from one side of the island to the other in harsh Atlantic conditions, trench-foot rife among them as they advanced across the boggy landscape. Furthermore, they had fought several vicious battles along the way and many squaddies never made it to Port Stanley.

On this day 25 years ago the Argentines surrendered, perhaps never knowing how close they had been to victory. However, dwelling on what might have been is pointless, the fact remains that despite the odds stacked against our nation this war was won by Great Britain and Great Britain alone.

Hundreds of British service personnel have been killed since 1982 on world-wide operations and many have died in acts of selfless heroism. Major deployments resulting in fatalities include the domestic fight against the IRA, peacekeeping in Bosnia, Macedonia and Sierra Leone and the wars against Iraq, Afghanistan in the Kosovo campaign.

However, proud as we are of each and every British serviceman and woman who has made the ultimate sacrifice, we say also that the Falklands War remains the last true British military victory of which we can speak. The Brits were sent far from home in 1982, as they have been in recent conflicts, but they were not allowed the luxury of building up forces on land over many months – the Falklands were amid the sea.

When the first Royal Navy destroyers approached the islands they were under threat from both sea and air, but this wasn’t the case in Iraq, Afghanistan or Yugoslavia. Sadly, the most poignant difference between the Falklands and more recent conflicts isn’t about aircraft and naval power, but the fact that we were liberating the former as it was our own territory. We have not sent our troops into battle since then on the basis of our own national interest. Therefore the Falklands can be rightly referred to as the last great British military victory.

Please spare a thought today for the families of those 255 British servicemen and three islanders who died in this brief but bloody fight for freedom and liberty. It is thanks to them and their comrades that 3,000 Falklanders embrace such values today and, above all else, are still British. Lest we forget.

The end of the end for Birmingham’s motor Industry

It is believed that the first motor car built in Britain was built in Small Heath by the Lanchester company in 1895. From that moment on Birmingham’s history was intertwined with that of car production. Birmingham is a young city by the standards of the U.K., most of its growth occurred in the twentieth century and its fortunes have mirrored that of the British motor industry. It was not until just after the second world that its population overtook that of Glasgow to make it the second city at the outset of Golden Age of British car building. As that industry has died so Birmingham has declined along with it.

The sad list of the great car factories like the Talbot in Small Heath, the Austin at Longbridge, Peugeot at Ryton, and the Jaguar at Browns Lane is a litany of tragedy. Likewise the roll call of British car companies now inspires shame rather than pride; Morris, Riley, Austin, BSA, Daimler, Wolseley, Triumph, Sunbeam, Talbot, Alvis and Rover all are now part of history. Today’s announcement that Ford are seeking to sell Land Rover and Jaguar probably spells the end of large scale car production in Birmingham. Perhaps the Castle Bromwich and Solihull plants will linger on for a few years as in the case of Rover at Longbridge but their fate is all but sealed. The simple fact of the matter is that car production in Western Europe can only be maintained at the insistence of the relevant state, and while this might protect Volkswagen and Citroen to some extent there is no possibility of the British government doing the same for our industry. Globalisation means that industrial production will almost always take place where Labour the is cheapest available (not including unstable regions such as Africa). If it were not for the E.U.’s import tariffs it is likely that this would be China or India. That is cold comfort for British car industry workers as their jobs are packed off to Eastern Europe.

And let us not forget that for every worker in the assembly plants there are several working in the component manufacturers. The future looks bleak for them and they are unlikely to get the payouts and re-training that the assembly workers will no doubt be getting, Probably, as in the case of Rover, at the taxpayers rather than BMW’s (in that case) expense.

The most likely buyers for Jaguar and Land Rover will be asset stripping companies. The land alone upon which the sixty five acre Solihull plant stands must be worth tens if not hundreds of millions of pounds. No doubt Chinese and Indian companies are already eying the valuable R and D facilities of the two companies (as they did Rover itself) and perhaps the globally known brand names as well. The tools and machines of the factories might be worth a few bob into the bargain. Unlike Ford the asset stripper can make off with the spoils of the two companies without having the liabilities of pensions and redundancy pay if they declare themselves bankrupt at the end of the exercise. Directors of the Phoenix consortium which asset stripped Rover are thought to have made tens of millions while the company went down with over a billion pounds worth of debt. Unlike Ford asset stripper do not care about damage to their worthless companies reputations. For one thing no-one has ever heard of them anyway and for another they can simply start another for the next raid. Ford’s good name is simply to valuable to allow them to undertake the grisly business of scraping an industry so they will allow another company to take the flack in return for the salvage pickings. Just as BMW did with Rover.

The “investment team” which bought LDV based in Ward End is doing little better, halting production of all but one of the models in its range recently and laying off hundreds of workers. No doubt it will soon follow in the footsteps of the other British commercial vehicle companies like Leyland, ERF, Atkinson, Sedan and Foden into oblivion.

The BNP is not in the business of soft soaking issues and this section will be uncomfortable reading for many who work in the factories concerned.

When considering the decline and fall of the British car industry certain obvious villains come to the fore. One culpable group would be the planks who ran the industry, the assorted managing directors of the various companies failed time and time again to develop new models or invest in those few which were successful. One in particular stands out even amongst the incompetent buffoons which made up his peer group. Sir William Rootes, of Rootes Group fame, who spent his time building Warwick University while foreign competitors were building shiny new efficient car factories. Warwick University today continues Sir William’s life’s work of destroying British achievements, however instead of turning out sub standard cars Warwick mass produces political correct storm troopers for the liberal establishment. When it comes to liberal indoctrination Warwick is probably the foremost university in the land. Meanwhile the factories Rootes was responsible for are long gone, replaced with housing estates and shopping centres.

An allied group of the clueless company directors were the various government ministers whose ham fisted attempts to use the car industry for social engineering instead of wealth creation speed the death of British car building. For example misters insisted that the innovative Hillman Imp should be built in Scotland, 400 miles away from the bulk of the component manufacturers in the West Midlands. With the result that this car, an early forerunner of the hatchbacks of today was nothing like the success it should have been.

However the workers of the industry also have to take their share of blame. There is no need to recount the senseless history of Derek Robinson, class war warrior and one time shop steward of Longbridge (AKA “red robbo”) who lead thousands of car workers straight to the doors of the dole office. Yet even with this terrible example before them the car workers have allowed themselves to be goaded into conflict with the management of their plants by politically motivated hard line trade unionists. The workers of Ryton frequently threatened, and occasionally did, strike over pay and conditions even as the plant was threatened with closure. Surely a significant contributor to the decision to build new Peugeot models in Eastern Europe rather than Coventry. There can be few more pathetic sights than a shop steward of a doomed car plant threatening action unless “management” tow the line as we have seen time and time again. Strike action just does not have much impact if your factory is about to be closed down anyway (unless your French). And while the mislead car workers struggle to find work after their factory has closed the shop steward will be getting settled in to his comfy new job at Union HQ.

The trade union movement has been hijacked by left wing extremists, who rather than campaigning to halt the flow of wage cutting Eastern European labour actually recently flew to Poland to sign them up to their unions before that had even arrived in the UK! Meanwhile working conditions in the private sector sink ever lower with ever longer hours getting you ever less spending power. And where are the Unions? Spending your subs in campaigns to “stop the BNP” and getting slaps on the back at the TUC from the very Labour politicians who have sold our country and its workers out. Labour politicians I might add who finance their Party from trade union subs rather than from their own bloated salaries. The BNP supports trade unionism in principle, indeed we have our own affiliated union, Solidarity, but not the fanatics who have helped ruin our industries, our country and countless British families.

The effects of Ford’s desertion of Jaguar and Land Rover is almost certain to be disastrous. You will hear no hint of the truth from MP’s or trade unionists on this matter. Just as in the case of Rover they will pretend that whichever asset stripping company is handed the job of running down these factories represents a bright new age. Don’t believe them. Our advice to car workers is to get some serious qualifications if you can now while you’ve got a few years to play with and hang on for the redundancy. If you are offered it, for god sake take it, the optimists at Rover ended up with nothing when the company went into receivership. Margaret Hodge, Labour MP and Department of Work and Pensions MINSTER offered the advice that Rover workers could get a job at Tesco’s when asked what was going to happen to the workforce there. Expect no better.

We can only speculate on the effects of the closure of the Castle Brom and Solihull plants on Eastern Birmingham and Solihull. However we can be certain that it will not have a positive effect on the local community. We in the BNP can only offer our assurance that we will continue to fight for our communities whenever and wherever we get the chance. We have warned time and time again about the disastrous effects of globalisation on our communities, maybe now more people will be finally willing to listen to the hard truth that unless our political elite is removed things can only deteriorate for the British people.

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

ISLAMIC BIRMINGHAM: Converting the infidels?

Yesterday we reported on the case of a young British solider being harangued by a group of Muslim woman at a Birmingham hospital. Today we report on another significant story to emerge about the spread of Islam in Brum which should be of concern to all of Birmingham‘s none Islamic communities. However this particular story relates to members of the Sikh faith. According to the Birmingham Mail the story began last month when a teenage student was reported missing by her Sikh family in West Bromwich. The family claimed that the girl had been forcibly converted to Islam, possibly whilst studying at Sutton Coldfield College. She was later found at an address in Birmingham and is now under the protection of West Midlands Police, although who she is being protected from has not been made clear. (Read article Here)

The story was highlighted further at the weekend when Ceefax reported that up to a hundred Sikhs had marched from Handsworth to the city centre in a protest to police about ‘forced conversions to Islam’. Such tactics have been reported as being employed by Islamists throughout the world in order to spread their religion and it now appears to be becoming increasingly common in Britain.

In 2005 a story was run in the press about inmates of the Young Offenders Institution at Feltham in Middlesex being forcibly converted to Islam (read article Here). In another story from the same year a young Afro-Caribbean man in London was repeatedly shot causing his death after allegedly refusing to embrace “the religion of Peace” (Read article Here). The controversy stirred by the Pope recently was due to him quoting a Medieval Greek Emperor on the subject of forced conversions to Islam. Some scholars argue that forced conversion is allowed under Islamic (Sharia) law and that Mohammed himself practiced it. Historians have also suggested that the practice of forced conversion was one of the key factors in the rapid expansion of Islam after its inception in seventh century Arabia. Although some Muslims insist that forced conversion is forbidden by the Koran.

It appears that Muslims may now be deploying this tactic on a greater level in some Birmingham communities. The problem could also be linked to the growing number of indigenous British converts seen on city streets, although given their fiercely loyal (or fearful you might say) commitment it would be virtually impossible to ascertain whether these have been coerced or voluntary conversions.

Whichever it may be, one thing is for sure – the non-Muslim population of our city continues to shrink. The day that the green flag of Islam flies over the Council House draws ever nearer and only we, the so-called ‘infidels’, can stop it. Large BNP votes are the only message our political elites understand when it comes to expressing opposition to the Islamification of Birmingham. The choice is clear and it is yours.

Tuesday, 12 June 2007

ISLAMIC BIRMINGHAM: A land unfit for heroes?

The Islamification of Britain’s second city continues at a relentless pace, largely and predictably swept under the carpet by the mass media, the police and the politicians. Two incidents have come to light over the last few days that reveal the increasing aggression with which this movement is taking control of our city. Today we report on one incident which demonstrates just how far the Islamification of Birmingham has progressed and the arrogance and confidence elements of this community have developed as a result our politicians failure to effectively confront radical Islam.

On Monday (11th June) the Birmingham Post printed a story which first appeared in the Mail on Sunday. You may recall an incident from last year in which a wounded British soldier was confronted by an angry Muslim man while being treated in Selly Oak hospital – well it has happened again. On this occasion the victim was the Army’s welfare officer who had been conducting one of his regular visits to injured troops when he was surrounded by three young Muslim women. Company Sergeant Major Neil Powell was forced to endure tirades of abuse from the women who were apparently angry about British military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan. Quite why CSM Powell was deemed a reasonable target by these aggressive and irrational individuals is beyond comprehension – CSM Powell and his colleagues do not commit themselves to war, they merely follow orders.

Colleagues of CSM Powell have used the fresh publicity to call for more secure accommodation for wounded troops, but the response from the local Labour MP (Lynne Jones) has been contemptuous. She was reported as saying:

“The soldiers seem to want a little empire consisting of their own designated staff and facilities, a fiefdom. The point of basing the Centre for Defence Medicine at Selly Oak was to make the most of the range of experience here. The priority should always be the standard of clinical care. When I’ve visited the military ward it has been cluttered with staff."

This is a treacherous attitude to take towards soldiers her own government has sent off to fight in distant lands. Furthermore, has she not taken seriously the threat to British soldiers in this city, particularly given the recent well publicised plot to abduct, torture and kill a member of our armed forces right here in Brum.

The latest incident at Selly Oak hospital took place on 10th May and has only now seen light of day – how many more times has this happened and how long will it be before one of these ‘verbal attacks’ become physical? Our forefathers must be spinning in their graves knowing that injured soldiers are no longer safe from the enemy even while lying wounded in their own home towns. Our lads should be put in their own wing where their safety can be guaranteed. Or better yet in their own dedicated hospitals with military staff trained in and used to dealing with combat injuries, just like they used to have before Lynne Jones’ Party closed them all a couple of years ago.

Monday, 11 June 2007

The Decline of the Left: Part One

It’s as recent as ten years ago that the BNP would routinely be overwhelmed by left-wing hot-heads whenever we dared to take our campaign out onto the streets. How times have changed. As a result of the consistent failures of the Lib-Lab-Con to accurately represent the people, it is clear that door-to-door canvassing is now more troublesome for them and their antifa helpers as opposed to our own activists. It is very difficult to even get a door slammed in your face if you are canvassing for the BNP these days.

What’s more, the demise of the so-called ‘socialist’ parties has coincided with the dramatic decline of anti-BNP groups such as ‘Unite Against Fascism’ and the ‘Anti-Nazi League’. The ‘Respect’ party only exists as a political force because it has made a rather bizarre coalition with fifth-columnists. That party will also crumble in time as its new-found supporters grow ever more intolerant of its support for gender equality and homosexual rights.

Despite a grim outlook for the red menace, we in Brum did have the dubious honour of watching them in action recently. In the run-up to polling day on May 3rd they stuck their noses in Shard End ward after being called in to help the ailing Labour campaign. Despite heavily promoting a mass day of action to take place in the area on Sunday 4th March, just nine of them bothered to show. The body language of the two sorry activists in this photo reveals their utter dejection …

… and just to add insult to injury two BNP members marched confidently up to the front door of their base and took this photo right in front of them!

They went out leafleting at least twice more in Shard End during the campaign and we did come across some Searchlight glossies at one stage, but as usual such material appears to have been either ignored, laughed at or returned to them immediately. At least one member of the public told how he confronted them in the street and didn’t exactly find a constructive argument in return.

In addition to their pathetic Birmingham visitations, a video produced by renowned anti-BNPer Adrian Goldberg again shows how miniscule, lacklustre and unpopular the far-left have become. The film covers the Sandwell leg of Searchlight’s ‘Hope Not Hate’ tour and opens with an introduction from the current holder of the Pie-Eating Parliamentarian of the Year title – Labour MP Tom Watson. Now compare his performance with that of the other speaker, the committed multi-culturalist and resident of mono-cultural Devon - Billy Bragg. It’s easy to tell who the politician is! Watson says there were 170-odd people queuing up to spread the anti-BNP message, yet there are no more than seven people on that bus!A brief shot of TWO activists is followed by Billy’s drawn face and he has obviously suffered a humiliating day on the campaign trail. He was apparently jeered by members of the public in Great Bridge and shows his ignorance of the Black Country by merely dismissing them as BNP members. As you would expect, the campaign received little if any support on its visit and Bragg clearly has nothing to be remotely happy about. The days of the left are fading fast – follow this link, watch Goldberg’s video and laugh!

Warning: This clip contains disturbing images of Billy Bragg and gratuitous scenes of far left opinion and is therefore unsuitable for people of easily annoyed disposition.

Wednesday, 6 June 2007


‘Slum House’ is a six-minute documentary produced by East Birmingham BNP that exposes the depths to which our people are mistreated in their own country by their own councils. The story began when local activists took up the case of Charlene, a white girl housed in Bordesley Green who was enduring a lengthy hate campaign by local Muslims who clearly didn’t want her living in ‘their’ area. Thanks to the hard work undertaken by the BNP she was moved into a predominantly white area late last year. However, despite having escaped the abuse she suffered in occupied Brum, the living conditions in the Poolway flats at Stechford were worse. It was these five decrepit tower blocks that featured in the shocking six-minute documentary produced by the BNP.

Slum House will be uploaded to YouTube shortly, but as you can see from the stills here it is not a pretty sight for the residents, many of whom have young children. They have to contend with faeces, urine and syringes in the walkways and lifts, severe damp in every room, critically unsafe landings and repairs that are never seen to. Residents have even been without running water for 24-hour periods – would this happen to those ‘guests’ in our country who can be found in double-glazed fully furnished accommodation elsewhere in Brum?

The reaction of Cllr Neil Eustace (Lib-Dem) was to accuse the BNP of attempting to make political gain out of the issue in time for the local elections. However, the elections have come and gone and the same BNP activists were at the latest Stechford & Yardley committee meeting to follow the progress made (or lack of it) on behalf of the residents. Cllr Eustace told residents at this meeting that the City Council cabinet will make a decision on the future of the flats in June. Let’s just hope that they are demolished sooner rather than later and those afflicted by the appalling third world conditions can be moved to surroundings less reminiscent of Iraq. This is not Baghdad, this is Birmingham in the 21st century and these poor white folk have to pay council tax like everyone else – give them a home they deserve.

Monday, 4 June 2007


In 1998 a left-wing rock group called the Manic Street Preachers released an album containing a song called S.Y.M.M. This stood for South Yorkshire Mass Murderers and its aim was to lay blame on the South Yorkshire Police for the 1989 Hillsborough football stadium disaster in Sheffield.

Of course it would be silly to seriously suggest that this communist group would ever release a follow-up song initialled W.Y.M.M. standing for West Yorkshire Mass Murderers. It was that police force which should have been trailing the 7/7 bombers when they were instead trawling through hours of BBC footage trying to convict Nick Griffin. They prioritised the Griffin case despite what we now know - that the terrorists, sorry Islamic terrorists (we don’t work for the BBC so no need to cover up), had been reported to the West Yorks Police prior to the 7/7 attacks. In addition, claims Shadow Home Secretary David Davis, if the security services didn’t have the resources to monitor the suspects the local police should have performed the job themselves.

However, it doesn’t matter now because 52 people murdered by a terrorist plot hatched in West Yorkshire can’t be brought back to life and Nick Griffin is still roaming free having said such awful things about West Yorkshire-based terrorists plotting to murder innocent people. The truth really is stranger than fiction

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Two more local soliders die in Blair's wars

TWO LOCAL SOLDIERS KILLED IN A SINGLE WEEK Sadly we have recently lost two local soldiers to the phoney ‘war on terror’. On Monday 21 May fighters attacked a British convoy in central Basra killing Cpl Jeremy Brookes, a 28-year-old from Birmingham. Five days later, near the Afghan town of Garmsir, British troops were engaging Taliban fighters when Guardsman Daniel Probyn was fatally wounded. The 22-year-old was from Tipton in the Black Country. Both men were hailed heroes as they died selflessly to protect the lives of their colleagues. Cpl Brookes went down fighting as he ordered his men back inside the armoured vehicle and covered them as they went. Just before the explosion that took Guardsman Probyn’s life he warned troops of the danger that lay ahead and moved them away from his position. These sacrifices will not be forgotten, nor will the betrayal of the treacherous politicians who sent them to faraway lands to die in conflicts that serve no British interest.

The BNP is the only party to have opposed the war in Iraq for the right reasons. David Cameron can bleat all he likes, but when it came to it he voted in favour of aggression and to this day he and his colleagues remain in favour, as does the incoming Prime Minister. The British death toll in Iraq currently stands at 149 with a further 57 troops killed in Afghanistan. Blood is well and truly on the hands of Blair, Brown, Cameron and co.

Tuesday, 22 May 2007


You are reading the first ever BNP blog from Britain’s second city – the eastern part of which to be precise. It is here that the Party has established itself as part of the community since 2001 when the first East Birmingham BNP group was launched. Since then we have developed nationalist strongholds across the unoccupied territories of the eastern outer circle and last year we were re-launched in our right after almost four years under the city-wide branch banner. This re-organisation was due to massive growth throughout the city and we are proud to continue the good work alongside our colleagues in both the north and south Birmingham groups.

Here in the east of the city we have consistently set the benchmark for the party in Brum. In the 2004 local elections Labour candidates were beaten by the Birmingham BNP for the first time ever – and six times over no less. All three Labour candidates in Sheldon were beaten as were all three Labour candidates in Stechford & Yardley (one of which was one Liam Byrne who later went on to become a Home Office minister). He was elected in the 2005 general election that saw another Birmingham record set in the East, twice over this time. Yardley constituency recorded the largest ever BNP vote in a parliamentary election and along with neighbouring Hodge Hill was the first time the party had ever held deposits in the second city. The following year we recorded the largest ever share of the vote, this time in Shard End ward, and that ward remains the BNP’s strongest in Brum to this day, although we freely admit we were hoping for better things in Shard End this time round. And that’s where we differ from the other parties – if you want to hear spin and lies the BNP is not the party for you. We fully accept that on May 3rd we performed poorly across the city. In our target wards, such as Shard End, hard work by dedicated party activists only held our vote and those wards where we did not campaign our vote dipped significantly. For this failure the BNP apologises unreservedly to the people of Birmingham, because of our failure the native population will not be represented on the city council for another year and by the time we have a chance to make amends they will have taken another step towards becoming an ethnic minority in their own city. We do not regard this as acceptable.

Our poor performance in May 2007 could be put down to a number of reasons, the general inexperience of our campaign team is certainly one. Many of our activists were members who had joined up since the previous election and were new to the game. It was also the first time the Party had been able to launch multiple campaigns campaign in specific target wards. In years gone by the membership was smaller and consequently the Party‘s resources were spread much thinner. Our activists and members are also ordinary working people with not much free time on their hands. In addition we do not have the decades of experience to call on like the Lib-Lab-Con alliance party. While we tried to campaign on local issues, the Labour candidate called in very possibly illegal third party groups like the UAF, Searchlight and Unison to launch their trademark smears against us. We believed that the general perception of the BNP was not that of a racist or ‘Nazi’ organisation, perhaps we were wrong. One thing we are pretty sure of though is that the majority of native Brummies (and indeed a growing number of certain ethnic minority groups) agree with the bulk of our policies, it is merely a sad reflection of today’s democracy that three out of four people just do not vote! We also lacked the finance to produce high quality election material and could not deliver the full colour glossy leaflets that the Labour Party did. And whilst we poured many thousands of leaflets into our wards our opponents relied on telephone canvassing and this appears to have been extremely effective. God only knows what was said by the Labour telecanvassing teams to the electorate. We know of one case elsewhere in the country where the Labour Party told voters they could not vote BNP as there was not a BNP candidate, this in a ward with existing BNP councillors. By and large, Lib-Lab-Con candidates and activists rarely entered the wards they were contesting. As such they were spared the unpleasant reality of what their policies had created in areas such as Bromford and Kitts Green. They did not care for nor bother meeting the people who they have betrayed for decades in person. We have learnt from the recent election, from both our mistakes and theirs, and we are confident that we will do better next time.

Over the coming months we in East Birmingham will seek to mobilise the nationalist community into an effective support mechanism for our front-line activists. In part the aim of this blog is to aid that effort by establishing contact with the increasing number of people who have access to the net and support the cause of the British people and nation. If you would like to help in our fight against the corruption, incompetence and arrogance of our ruling elite there are many roles which you can play. We are acutely aware that the persecution of the BNP by the government and its allies can make outspoken support a costly act of defiance. However, you can still make a real contribution to the campaign without thrusting yourself into the limelight, all you need is a few spare hours of your time each month so please feel free to contact the party either through our website ( or directly through this blog. You don’t really know how a little work can make a massive difference until you try. We believe as a result of our experiences this year that our opponents are not the invincible force they would have you believe. They have no answers to our arguments which is why they refuse to debate will our representatives on the TV or on the streets. Sooner or later we will succeed in getting the real message of the BNP out to the hard pushed British taxpayers and families and when we do the game is up for the bankrupt politicians which govern us today.In the May 2007 elections our opponents were forced to rely on the slurs of other people to keep us at bay, but next year, with the help of the decent patriotic people of Birmingham helping out, such lies will not be enough to save them. That’s bad news for the Lib-Lab-Con one-part alliance because lying is all they know …